Full text: Prize law during the world war

(References are to Sections) 
Abonema and other vessels, (Br.) Ambiorix, (Ger.) 163, 433 
13, 30, 116, 444 Ambra, (Ital.) 85, 155, 231, 330, 
Achaia, (Br.) 50, 166, 193, 222 335, 336 
224 American Meat Packers Agree- 
Achaia No. 2, (Br.) 151 ment, (Br.) 26 
Achilles, (Br.) 54, 121, 150 Anastassios Koroneos, (Br.) 480, 
Achilleus, (Fr.) 411 482 
Adelphotis, (Fr.) 400, 447 Anatolia, (Fr.). See Athena and 
Adolf and other vessels, (Br.) 11 other vessels 
Adonis and other vessels, (Br.) 96 Andjik, (Br.) 397, 413 
Adriaticos, (Ital.) 75 Angelike, (Fr.) 387 
Aghia Elene, (Ital.) 19, 445, 455 Angelo, (Aust.) 61 
Aghios Caralambos, (Ital.) 19, 138, Anglo-Mexican, (Br.) 338, 342, 
445, 455 343, 347 
Aghios Nicolaos, (Ital.) 458 Anichab and other vessels and 
Aghios Spiridon, (Ital.) 19, 455 Craft, (Br.) 31, 52, 156, 183, 492 
Agiena, (Belg.) 24, 119, 120, 136, Annaberg, (Br.) 338, 340, 344 
207, 321 Annie Johnson and other vessels, 
Albenga, Nos. 1, 2, 3 (Chin.) 33, (Br.) 63 
41, 119, 202, 298 Annie Johnson and Kronprinzes- 
Aldworth, (Br.) 239, 330 san Margareta No. 2 (Br.) 363, 
Alexandra, (Ger.) 404 372 
Alfonso XIII, (Ger.) 91, 447 Antares, (Br.) 84, 97 
Alfred Hage, (Ger.) 59, 387, 400, Anthippi, (Ital.) 36, 65, 459 
415, 469 Antilla and other vessels, (Br.) 94 
Alfred Nobel and other vessels, Antwerpen, (Ger.) 440 
(Br.) 85, 99. See also the Kim Anvers, (Ger.) 98, 415 
and other vessels Apolda, (Br.). See Hammand 
Algerien, (Aust.) 442 Apolda 
Almazora, (Fr.) 140, 154, 237, 244, Apollonia, (Fr.) 138, 374, 468, 
254, 264, 399, 462 488 
Alwina, (Br.) 97, 114, 118, 385, Appam, (Amer.) 1, 68, 69, 108, 
434. 447. 469 173 
1 This list includes only cases decided during and following the late War 
(1914-1924). Abbreviations used: Amer. = American; Aust. = Austro- 
Hungarian; Belg. = Belgian; Br. = British; Chin. = Chinese; Fr.= 
French; Ger.=— German; [tal. = Italian; Jap. = Japanese; Roum. = Rou- 
manian: Siam. = Siamese. 

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