Full text: Prize law during the world war

ports of Prize Cases,” heard before and decided by the Right 
Honourable Sir Samuel Evans, the Right Honourable Lord 
Sterndale and the Right Honourable Sir Henry Duke, Presidents, 
in succession, of the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division 
(1914-1924). They are reprinted from “Lloyd’s List,” and were 
edited in turn by John Bridge Aspinall and Edward Louis 
DeHart. This collection contains the texts of about 360 deci- 
sions of the Prize Court at London, of the Judicial Committee 
(on appeal) and of the Naval Prize Tribunal. It purports to 
contain all the decisions of the Prize Court at London which are 
likely to be of “enduring interest,” rendered from the beginning 
of the war down to May 1924. Unlike the first mentioned col- 
lection, however, it does not include any of the decisions of the 
Prize Courts in the dominions, the colonies, the protectorates 
or India, except those from which appeals were taken to the 
Judicial Committee. It is, therefore, far from complete. Each 
collection, it may be observed, contains various decisions not 
found.in the other. Generally, where I have referred to a deci- 
sion found in both collections, I have, for the convenience of 
students, cited both. Neither collection, it may be added, con- 
tains the decisions rendered by the South African Prize Courts. 
These decisions, about 65 altogether, have been collected and 
published in a volume entitled “Cases Decided in the Prize Courts 
of South Africa,” by Messers Juta and Company, Limited, law 
publishers of Cape Town. 
The most important collection of the decisions of the French 
Prize Council and of the Council of State (on appeal) is that 
of M. Paul Fauchille, published in two volumes at Paris in 1916 
and 1919, respectively, under the title Jurisprudence Francaise 
on Maticre de Prises. This collection contains the texts of about 
295 decisions rendered from the outbreak of the war down to the 
end of the year 1918. Various decisions rendered subsequent 
to the latter date may be found in the successive issues of the 
Revue Générale de Droit International Public. An official pub- 
lication issued by the Ministry of Marine in 1916 entitled Déci- 
sions ‘du Conseil des Prises et Décrets Rendus en Conseil d’Etat 
en Matiere des Prises Maritimes contains the texts of 174 de- 
cisions most of which are found in M. Fauchille’s collection, but 
this volume does not appear to have been followed by others 
containing the decisions rendered subsequent to the year 1916. 
A complete collection of all the French decisions can only be

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