Full text: Banking theories in the United States before 1860

I. The English Patents of Monopoly. By Wil- 
liam H. Price. 8vo. 
II. The Lodging House Problem in Boston. 
By Albert B. Wolfe. 8vo. 
III. The Stannaries: A Study of the English 
Tin Miner. By George R. Lewis. 8vo. 
IV. Railroad Reorganization. By Stuart Dag: 
gett. 8vo. 
V. Wool-Growing and the Tariff. By Chester 
W. Wright. 8vo. 
VI. Public Ownership of Telephones on the 
Continent of Europe. By Arthur N. Hol- 
combe. 8vo. 
VII. The History of the British Post Office. 
By J. C. Hemmeon. 8vo. 
VIII. The Cotton Manufacturing Industry of 
the United States. By M. T. Copeland. 
[X. The History of the Grain Trade in France 
By Abbott Payson Usher. 8vo. 
¥. Corporate Promotions and Reorganiza- 
tions. By A. S. Dewing. 8vo. 
XI. The Anthracite Coal Combination in the 
United States. By Eliot Jones. 8vo. 
XII. Some Aspects of the T ariff Question. By 
F. W. Taussig. 8vo. 
XIII. The Evolution of the English Corn 
Market from the Twelfth to the Eighteenth 
Century. By N.S. B. Gras. 8vo. 
XIV. Social Adaptation: A Study in the 
Development of the Doctrine of Adapta- 
tion as a Theory of Social Progress. By 
L. M. Bristol. 8vo. 
XV. The Financial History of Boston, from 
May 1, 1822, to January 31, 1900. By C.P 
Huse. 8vo. 
XVI. Essays in the Earlier History of Amer- 
jcan Corporations. By J. S. Davis. 8vo. 
2 volumes. 
XVII. The State Tax Commission. By H. L. 
Lutz. 8vo. 
XVIII. The Early English Customs System. 
By N.S. B. Gras. 8vo. 
XIX. Trade and Navigation between Spain 
and the Indies in the time of the Hapsburgs. 
By C. H. Haring. 8vo. 
XX. The Italian Emigration of Our Times. 
By R. F. Foerster. 8vo. 
XXI. The Mesta: A Study in Spanish Eco- 
nomic History, 1273-1836. By Julius 
Klein. 8vo. 
XXII. Argentine International Trade under 
Inconvertible Paper Money: 1880-1900. 
By J. H. Williams. 8vo. 
XXIII. The Organization of the Boot and 
Shoe Industry in Massachusetts before 1875. 
By Blanche E. Hazard. 8vo. 
XXIV. Economic Motives. By Zenas C. 
Dickinson. 8vo. 
XXV. Monetary Theory before Adam Smith. 
By Arthur E. Monroe. 8vo. 
XXVI. Canada’s Balance of International 
Indebtedness 1goo-1913. By Jacob Viner. 
XVII. The History of the United States 
Post Office to the Year 1829. By W. E. 
Rich. 8vo. 
XXVIII. The Theory of International Prices. 
By James W. Angell. 8vo. 
XXIX. Forests and Sea Power. By Robert 
G. Albion. 8vo. 

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