Full text: The statistical verification of social and economic theory

Marshall, for no one will cover the whole field. The 
detail that will pour into the research students’ library 
will gradually make it more akin to physical investigation, 
save that the tests must be repeated from time to time, as 
no permanence of datain economicsis possible. But these, 
instead of being mere checks superseding the past checks, 
will have a dynamic relation to them, and this change 
in itself must be the subject of analysis and theorizing, 
which will again enrich the science on its abstract side. 
Moreover, each investigation is a double check upon 
a particular logical weakness of pure analysis. We can- 
not think of the result of motives in the mass without 
individualizing those motives first, and we know how 
easy it is to go fatally wrong in passing from the par- 
ticular to the general. It is here that statistical analysis 
gives a backward check upon all such aggregations of 
imaginary individuals, each of whom has a slightly dif- 
ferent monetary measure of a particular unitary satis- 
faction or effort, and each of whom responds differently 
to a slight change, which is even more important. 
There is a third way in which the analogy of physics 
or chemistry must be inexact. The elements behave in 
the same way whether the human mind is studying them or 
not, whereas economic tendencies and principles change 
because they are being studied. Obviously so much in 
them as depends on human psychology, knowledge, or 
will, undergoes profound change as the human mind 
becomes conscious of what it is doing. As soon as we 
have completely discovered and understand what governs 
the business cycle it will probably almost cease to exist. 
How does this University stand towards such a move- 
ment as I have illustrated and outlined ? I think the 
syllabus hardly concedes that radical changes are pos- 
sible or desirable, still less that we should equip students 
to take part in them. I should be the last to say that 
somewhere in this country economics should not be studied 
in particular juxtaposition to history and philosophy, as it 
is studied in association with mathematics and science in

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