Full text: The statistical verification of social and economic theory

Already Published 
No. 1. ‘The Problem of Juvenile Crime,” By the late C. E. B. 
Russenr, HM. Chief Inspector of Reformatory and 
Industrial Schools. Price One Shilling. 
No. 2. ¢ Development of the Education of Wage-Earners. By 
Sepurrey Huy, Director of Education Manchester. 
Price One Shilling, 
No. 8. ‘The Needs of Popular Musical Education” By Sir W. 
Henry Hapow, D.Mus., Vice-Chancellor of Sheffield 
University. Price One Shilling. (Out of print.) 
No. 4. ‘The Place of the University in National Life” By the 
Right Hon. H. A. L. Fisurr, D.Litt, M.P., President 
of the Board of Education. = Price One Shilling. 
No. 5. ‘The Industrial Section of the League of Nations’ By 
the Right Hon. G. N. Barxzss, P.C.,, M.P, Price One 
No. 6. ‘Ozford and the Rural Problem. By the Right Hon. 
Sir Horace Prunkerr, P.C., F.R.S. Price One Shilling, 
No. 7. ‘Scientific Management and the Engineering Situation. 
By Sir Wintiam Asarey. Price One Shilling. 
(Out of print.) 
No. 8. ‘The Historical Causes of the Present State of Affairs in 
Ttaly’ By G. M. TreveLvAN. Price One Shilling. 
No. 9. « Natural Instinct the Basis of Social Institutions.’ By 
Lord Huea Cron. Price One Shilling.

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