Full text: Customs regulations and procedure in Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Plants or articles landed in contravention of Orders made by the 
appropriate Agricultural Authority under the Destructive Insects 
and Pests Acts, 1877 to 1907. These Orders, like the Orders 
relating to the landing of animals (see above) cannot conveniently 
be summarised, and information regarding them should be sought 
from the Departments concerned (see page 29). 
Plate, gold and silver, found on assay not to be of standard 
quality. Delivery of such plate for home use is allowed only on 
condition that it is first broken or defaced ; otherwise it must be 
exported (see also pages 47-49). 
Plumage, with the following exceptions, viz. :— 
(1) The plumage of birds included in the Schedule to the 
Importation of Plumage (Prohibition) Act, 1921. The list is 
varied from time to time. It is at present as follows :— 
Eider Ducks. 
African Ostriches. 
Rhea Rothschildi (Order Rheiformes). 
Common Jay (Garrulus Glandarius). 
Common Magpie (Pica Pica) 
Common Starling (Sturnus Vulgaris). 
Java Sparrow (Munia Oryzivora). 
West African Ring-necked Parrakeet (Palaeornis Docilis). 
Chinese Bustard (Otis Tarda Dybowskyi). 
Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus’ Pictus). 
Common Cormorant (Phalacracorax Carbo). 
Common Shag (Phalacracorax Aristotelis). 
(2) The plumage of birds imported alive : 
(3) The plumage of birds ordinarily used in Great Britain and 
Northern Ireland as articles of diet, viz © 
Barn-door fowls. 
Black Game. 
Willow Grouse. 
Hazel Grouse. 
Ring-necked Pheasants. 
Red-legged Partridges. 
Grey or Migratory Quails. 
Pigeons (Wood-Pigeons or Dovecot Pigeons), 
Pewits or Green Plovers,

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