Full text: Customs regulations and procedure in Great Britain and Northern Ireland

(2) At the peak or other conspicuous place where it can be 
best seen, and at a height of not less than twenty feet above 
the hull of the ship, during the whole of the time between sunset 
and sunrise, a night signal, consisting of three lights, which 
shall be arranged, at a distance of not less than six feet apart, 
in the form of an equilateral triangle, and of which the light 
at the apex of the triangle shall be white, and the other lights 
at the ends of the base of the triangle shall be red in colour. 
Ships’ Surplus Stores. *—The master of every shipt arriving from 
abroad is required to give on the ship’s report (as to which see page 
38) details of the dutiable stores and live-stock remaining on the 
ship. Full particulars of the quantities of tobacco, spirits, and 
preparations containing spirits (including ‘“ Sam Shoo,” a liquor 
made from rice and vinegar and used by Eastern crews), fortified 
lime juice, saccharin, tea, wine, and playing cards must be stated. 
Other dutiable stores may be described as * low duty goods ”’ and 
no details of quantities need be given, but all surplus stores must be 
produced to the Boarding Officers. 
Ships’ surplus dutiable stores may be treated in one or other of 
the following ways :(— 
(1) They may be delivered on payment of duty. Sweetened 
or flavoured tobacco (i.e. Cavendish or Negrohead) can only 
be delivered if wrapped and labelled as required by the 
Manufactured Tobacco Act, 1863. 
(2) They may be entered for warehousing and warehoused 
for future use as ships’ stores. 
(8) They may, on special request, be transferred in official 
charge to an outward-bound ship in the same port entitled to 
such stores. 
(4) They may be secured on board under official seal. (If 
the seal is broken or the stores improperly removed the master 
is liable to a penalty). 
Dutiable goods in the possession of the crew.—The master of every 
ship arriving from abroad must produce to the Customs officer who 
first visits the ship after arrival : (1) List No. 142 containing full 
particulars of all the dutiable articles in the possession of every 
individual member of the crew, and (2), when requested, all the 
goods enumerated on the list, or the owner of any goods not so 
produced. Each member of the crew should sign his name in 
the space provided opposite the particulars of the goods in his 
* The word “stores ” in this connection means dutlable articles of food 
for use or consumption on board ship.  “ Ship’s stores ” should be distin- 
guished from private stores which are the property of individual members 
of the crew. 
t Yachts’ stores are subject to special regulations. 

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