Full text: The agricultural output of England and Wales 1925

The total value of the agricultural output of England and 
Wales in 1925, which has been estimated above at £225 millions, 
is equivalent to an average gross output of fully £8 10s. per acre 
on the total area under crops and permanent grass, after making 
allowance for the rough grazings on which a substantial pro- 
portion of the sheep flocks as well as some other stock are kept. 
In the report on the 1908 Census a similar figure was given which 
then worked out at £4 10s. per acre, but this applied to the whole 
of Great Britain. 
These products are not, of course, entirely the output of the 
soil of this country alone. As already explained store stock 
imported for fattening in this country are treated as home-bred 
stock, while there are considerable purchases of corn offals, 
oil cakes and other feeding stuffs and also of artificial 
fertilisers either imported direct or manufactured from imported 
materials. It is not possible, however, to say what quantity 
of these feeding stuffs and fertilisers is used in England and Wales. 
At a later date the production of Great Britain will be available 
in the Industrial Census of Production and some rough approxi- 
mation of the proportion used in England and Wales and in 
Scotland may be possible.

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