Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

Cooperation of the aeronautical industry and the insurance 
companies with the government authorities is urged in order to 
develop and perfect an adequate system of statistics regarding the 
performance of this industry both as a basis for its economic devel- 
opment and to permit establishment of the necessary insurance 
service and rates on a basis favorable to the growth of the aeronau- 
tical industry. 
The importance of providing proper landing fields is urged upon 
the authorities of communities located upon natural air routes with 
traffic in prospect, and cooperation among communities interested 
is urged to provide intermediate emergency landing fields essential 
to safety of flight. The provision by Congress of adequate funds 
to carry on an adequate program of aerial lighthouses and other 
aids to air navigation is recommended. 
The practicability of air transport has been demonstrated. Its 
commercial success is dependent upon volume of business. Simpli- 
fication of air-mail rates is desirable to assure widespread patronage. 
All classes of business men are urged to make the fullest practicable 
use of this service. Commercial organizations are urged promptly 
to develop a sound program for the development of air-mail and 
commercial traffic. The appointment of local committees by such 
organizations is recommended, and the National Chamber now 
stands ready to cooperate to the end that this work go on without 
delay. (Resolution, Fourteenth Annual Meeting, 1926.) 
The Federal Reserve Board should be increased to 9, the 2 addi- 
tional members to be chosen by the original 7, subject to approval 
of the President, and the compensation of the Governor and Vice 
Governor of the Board should be fixed by the Board itself. 
The Federal Reserve Council should be elected by Federal 
Reserve Banks; the President and Vice President of Council to 
reside in Washington and to sit at the meetings of the Board but 
without vote; their salaries to be fixed and paid by the banks, 
In creating the new system of Federal Reserve Banks, a begin- 

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