Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

Adequate and uniform pay under essentially like conditions 
should be established as a fundamental principle for the federal 
civil service through reclassification and regrading. 
Reclassification should be by statute based on investigations 
already made and further investigation by the Civil Service Com- 
The reclassification should be installed by the Civil Service 
Commission and the Budget Bureau and current correction made 
by Congress aided by these agencies. 
Promotion should be given statutory recognition as the preferred 
method for filling vacancies, with lines of promotion clearly defined 
and promotion made upon the basis of proved merit under civil 
service regulations. 
All administrative officers not responsible for determining poli- 
cies should be included under civil service rules. 
Transfers between departments should be regulated by executive 
orders consistent with the civil service law. 
Efficiency records should be developed by the Civil Service 
Removal of an employee should be possible upon a written 
statement of reasons to the employee with opportunity for written 
reply, but without right of appeal above the head of the department. 
(Referendum No. 35, submitted April 22. 1021.) 
Production and distribution of coal have such vital relations to 
the conduct of industry and commerce, as well as to the welfare of 
the public, that this annual meeting considers the task before the 
United States Coal Commission as of the highest national impor- 
tance. All assistance which the Chamber and its constituent organi- 
zations can render to the Commission in the collection of informa- 
tion should be placed at the Commission’s disposal, and to the find- 
ings of the Commission regarding the conditions which affect the 
business of coal mining the closest attention on the part of all 
business men’s organizations is assured. In pledging this coopera- 

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