Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

Whereas, This Chamber has already by referendum vote among 
its membership expressed its opposition to an analogous limitation 
placed in the Sundry Civil Appropriation bill upon an appropriation 
for the enforcement of the anti-trust laws; therefore, be it 
Resolved, That the Chamber of Commerce of the United States 
of America in Annual Meeting assembled urged the Senate and the 
House to reject the so-called Deitrick Amendment to the pending 
bill which makes appropriations for the Army in so far as this 
amendment seeks to prevent the study of methods to increase indus- 
trial efficiency in manufacturing establishments of the Government 
and to forbid additional compensation to employees as reward for 
improvement in skill and effort. (Resolution, Third Annual Meet- 
ing, 1915. This resolution was reaffirmed by a resolution adopted 
at the annual meeting of 1916.) 
Congress should be asked to adopt the following resolution 
directing the Interstate Commerce Commission to make immediate 
investigation and to present a report as soon as practicable: 
“Whereas, the controversy that has arisen between the railroads 
and certain of their employees relating to a shortening of the hours 
of labor without corresponding decrease in pay, and for increased 
compensation for any service performed in excess of the daily period 
prescribed, may lead to a serious interruption of the railroad service 
with disastrous effect upon the public welfare and upon the com- 
merce of the Nation; Now, therefore, be it 
“Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress Assembled, That the Inter- 
state Commerce Commission be, and is hereby, directed immediately 
to investigate and report to the Congress as soon as practicable the 
minimum, maximum, and average wage paid, with hours of service, 
paid in other industries where similar skill and risk are involved, 
the relation of wages to railroad revenues, the question of whether 
railroad revenues based on existing rates for transportation will 
admit of equally favorable terms to all classes of railroad employees, 
and any other matter in this connection that the Commission may 
deem relevant: and be it further 
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