Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

sailor and marine employment, in all cases instructing the official 
in charge to keep the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce 
closely advised in order that it may serve as a clearing house among 
local organizations and with the government. (Resolution, Seventh 
Annual Meeting, 1919.) 
The Chamber deplores any tardiness in generous treatment for 
all who served in the armed forces and who became disabled or sick 
in consequence of their service, and for the widows and orphans of 
those who lost their lives while serving in the armed forces. The 
Chamber approves such constructive measures as may be directly 
calculated to enable ex-service men to cultivate the soil, build 
homes, or obtain vocational education. 
For the purpose of affording ex-service men an opportunity to 
cultivate the soil, we favor a national system for reclamation of 
waste areas. Such a system, initiated through adequate Federal 
appropriations can be made a means which, while providing oppor- 
tunities directly for former members of the armed forces, will 
advance the national interest. 
The Chamber, however, calls attention to the fact that a general 
cash bonus, or its equivalent in certificates, would mean a very 
heavy increase in the burden upon the entire community, For 
this reason the Chamber favors forms of assistance other than a 
cash bonus. (Resolution, Ninth Annual Meeting, 1921. This is a 
restatement of a resolution adopted at the annual meeting in 1920.) 
The conditions surrounding the hospitalization, compensation, 
and rehabilitation of the disabled veterans of the World War have 
not been adequately met. The chief source of difficulty has been 
lack of governmental consolidation and centralized authority. This 
defect should be remedied through consolidation in one department 
of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, the Rehabilitation Section of 
the Board for Vocational Education, and the part of the Public 
Health Service which has to do with the care and treatment of 
disabled veterans. Moreover, Congress should appropriate the funds 

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