Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

necessary for a continuing and adequate hospital-building program. 
(Resolution, Ninth Annual Meeting, 1921.) 
There should be put into effect a national system of reclamation 
to be initiated through adequate federal appropriations and to be 
carried out for the purpose of affording ex-service men opportunity 
to cultivate the soil. 
There should be national legislation and appropriations to enable 
ex-service men to obtain vocational education. 
There should be no national legislation for a general bonus, 
whether paid in cash immediately or with payment deferred through 
use of certificates. (Referendum No. 38, submitted January 7, 
The Chamber reiterates its position in favor of the government 
doing all in its power, and at whatever legitimate expense, to care 
for the disabled soldiers of the world war. The Chamber calls upon 
its membership to cooperate to the fullest possible extent with the 
Veterans’ Bureau in the placement in industry and commerce of 
disabled veterans who have undergone rehabilitation and vocational 
training and who now seek to take their part on an equal basis in 
the economic life of their country. (Resolution, Eleventh Annual 
Meeting, 1923.) 
Bonus ror Ex-SERVICE MEN 
The generous care of the disabled veterans is the sacred duty of 
our government but a bonus of any sort for able-bodied veterans 
removes one of the chief virtues of democracy. 
The National Chamber's continued opposition to the bonus 
principle is not simply because it will endanger permanent tax reduc- 
tion but because it undermines the confidence as well as the moral 
fibre of our people to see great sums levied by taxes on all citizens 
to give as a premium to able-bodied young men who served their 
country in a time of peril. 
The Chamber’s position in opposition to a bonus, in cash or 
other form, has been unmistakably declared through referendum. 
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