Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

Whereas, Among the causes of such conditions, unsatisfactory 
and injurious to both capital and labor, the most important is over- 
production due to lack of adequate statistical information; there- 
fore, be it 
Resolved, That the Chamber of Commerce of the United States 
of America urge Congress to increase the appropriation for the 
Department of Commerce and to instruct said Department to 
gather, compile and make available such information to all such 
industries as rapidly as the machinery for the work may be created 
efficiently. (Resolution, Third Annual Meeting, 1915.) 
Whereas, The approach of the 1920 decennial census calls for 
the immediate formulation of plans for this, the largest single statis- 
tical investigation periodically carried out by the Government of 
the United States; and 
Whereas, The rapid development of the country, and the great 
growth of our foreign trade, in the last few years, have resulted in 
radical transformations in commerce and industry and have brought 
about a constantly increasing demand for statistical information; 
Whereas, The rapid growth and increase in the number of gov- 
ernment bureaus and commissions which conduct, or apply the 
results of statistical and economic investigations has resulted in 
much duplication, overlapping, and crossing of the lines of work 
and fields of investigations covered by these government agencies 
and by the Census office, respectively; and 
Whereas, There now exists no central agency through which 
these various statistical activities may be properly correlated; and 
the several departments and other governmental agencies concerned 
are seriously handicapped and the value of their investigations 
lessened by the absence of such correlation; and 
Whereas, It seems specially important that there shall be close 
and effective cooperation during the next few years, as to statistical 
matters, between the various government agencies and those in 
practical touch with labor, agricultural, commercial and industrial 
conditions: therefore, be it 
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