Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

Because of lack of flexibility, the present three per cent immi- 
gration law is not adaptable to changing conditions. In order to 
overcome this defect, and at the same time make a distinction 
between immigrants who can directly add to the national strength 
and those who cannot, the Chamber advocates that to the present 
three per cent quota there should be added a possible two per cent 
quota upon a selective basis. This would provide a flexibility that 
would care for proven economic needs up to a maximum of two per 
cent without affecting our social standards, and it is hoped would 
demonstrate the wisdom of ultimately placing the entire immigra- 
tion upon a selective basis. In the opinion of the Chamber it is in 
the national interest that the principle of selection should be a 
controlling factor in any immigration legislation that may be passed 
by Congress. These proposals will tend to insure the maintenance 
of a strong, virile, and essentially homogeneous people that will 
permit the United States to measure up to its economic, political 
and social possibilities. (Resolution, Eleventh Annual Meeting, 
Immigration legislation has received the attention from the 
Chamber which its great importance warrants. It has been con- 
sidered at annual meetings, and it has been earnestly studied by a 
committee of the Chamber. In accordance with recommendations 
of this committee which have: been placed before the membership, 
we believe that the quota provisions of the law should be based upon 
the census of 1910 and that the present extension of these provisions 
should be for a period not exceeding five years. At the same time 
there should be inserted a provision for making the quota flexible, 
through increase above or decrease below the base figure within 
stated limits, in order that immigration may more nearly accord 
with our own conditions. At the same time, there should be a 
means for testing in practice the possibility of selection of immi- 
grants before they sail in accordance with their desirability and the 
likelihood of their advantage in coming to the United States. For 
the purpose of advising increases or decreases in quotas and for 
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