Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

mental charges adjusted to cover the cost of the service rendered, 
and insurers be enabled to obtain from authorized companies in 
any state the coverage which their individual necessities require. 
(Resolution, Fifteenth Annual Meeting, 1927.) 
We regard the foundation of the Republic of China as having 
deep international significance and as calling for the sympathy and 
cooperation of all civilized nations whose experience in modern 
methods of government can aid the Republic of China in meeting 
her vast problems of readjustment. 
Therefore, The Chamber of Commerce of the United States of 
America unanimously commends our Government for having been 
prompt to recognize the Provisional Government of China, and 
urges early recognition of the Permanent Government now about 
to be organized. (Resolution, First Annual Meeting, 1913.) 
Economic REsuLTs oF THE WAR AND AMERICAN Business 
There should be action to secure conferences among neutral 
countries, on the initiative of the United States, for the purpose of 
defining and enunciating rules which will at all times give due 
protection to life and property upon the high seas. 
For the decision of questions which arise between nations and 
which can be solved upon the application of established rules or 
upon determination of facts the United States should take the 
initiative in joining with other nations in establishing an Interna- 
tional Court. 
For consideration of questions which arise between nations and 
which do not depend upon established rules or upon facts which can 
be determined by an International Court the United States should 
take the initiative in joining with other nations in establishing a 
Council of Conciliation. 
The United States should take the initiative in joining with 
other nations in agreeing to bring concerted economic pressure to 
bear upon any nation or nations which resort to military measures 
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