Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

ment, and would, as a matter of fact, involve delay and disappoint- 
ment and the unwarranted withholding of the needed moral support 
of this country. (Resolution, Twelfth Annual Meeting, 1924.) 
The United States is committed emphatically and always has 
stood for the peaceful solution of international disputes. It has 
historically advocated and agitated for the formation of an inter- 
national judicial tribunal for this purpose. The Permanent Court 
of International Justice is the embodiment of the aspiration and 
effort of our leading statesmen and jurists. By resolution of the 
last three annual meetings the Chamber has consistently and insist- 
ently endorsed the adherence of the United States to the Permanent 
Court on the conditions laid down by the Executive and former 
Secretary of State Hughes. 
The President of the United States has stated his position 
unequivocally, and the Chamber expresses its disappointment at the 
delay in effecting the recommendation of the Executive. It believes 
that the objections which have been made to the entrance of the 
United States into the present court are unimportant as compared 
with the advantages which would accrue to us and the support and 
impetus which our action would give to the promotion of interna- 
tional justice and the furtherance of international peace. The 
Chamber reiterates its position in support of the Permanent Court 
of International Justice and urges the adherence of the United 
States thereto at the forthcoming session of Congress. (Resolution, 
Thirteenth Annual Meeting, 1925.) 
The annual meeting joins with the recent action of the Interna- 
tional Chamber of Commerce in declaring that the plans submitted 
by the two Committees of Experts to the Reparations Commission 
on April 9 provide a basis for a permanent settlement of the problem 
of reparations, and furthermore offer a real prospect of providing 
practical measures for the removal of obstacles which hitherto have 
appeared insurmountable. We also agree with the International 
Chamber of Commerce that the reports of the experts offer oppor- 
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