Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

Authority to order increase or decrease of trade-route operations, 
and authority to determine all questions as to sale of vessels oper- 
ating such a route, should be given to a Federal Shipping Council 
serving without compensation. 
In each region of the country in which there is a maritime 
interest there should be a representative advisory shipping council 
serving without compensation. 
The President of the Fleet Corporation should have the duty 
of carrying into execution the decisions of the Federal Shipping 
Council as to increase or decrease of trade-route operations, and sale 
of any vessels so operated. 
Where necessity for maintaining trade-routes exists and pending 
transfer to private ownership, entire responsibility for operation of 
government-owned merchant vessels should be given to the President 
of the Fleet Corporation. 
Government aid to shipping should be limited to vessels oper- 
ated upon trade-routes, and to the higher types of ocean-service 
which can be obtained through mail subventions, and should be 
sufficient to permit operation upon all essential trade-routes, and to 
assure the higher type of ocean-service. 
Government aid should be restricted to American-built vessels. 
(Referendum No. 48, submitted March 12, 1926.) 
The Government should not undertake the purchase, construc- 
tion, or charter of vessels for mercantile purposes, together with the 
operation of such vessels. 
Ownership of merchant vessels by the government but with 
operation by private parties under leases is opposed. 
There should be subsidies from the Government sufficient to 
offset the difference in cost between operation of vessels under the 
American flag and operation in the same deep-sea trades under 
foreign flags. 
There should be subventions from the government to establish 
regular mail and freight lines under the American flag to countries 
in which the commercial interests of the United States are important, 
and to American Dependencies. 
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