Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

for transfer at cost to private individuals and corporations of the 
several regions is recommended. 
Absorption by the government of the difference between the war 
cost and present value, as a war loss, is recommended. 
Freedom from regulation as to routes and rates is recommended. 
Restriction for a period of years upon transfer to a foreign flag 
of steel vessels over 6,000 tons deadweight purchased from the 
government is recommended. 
Preference for American underwriters and use of the under- 
writing market of the world for insurance not covered by American 
underwriters, without intervention by government insurance, are 
Encouragement of an American classification society is recom- 
A general declaration by Congress of a policy to give aid toward 
the maintenance of a privately owned and operated American mer- 
chant marine is recommended. 
Continuance of operation of the competent American ship- 
building yards, on private account both as to yards and the vessels 
they construct, is recommended. (Referendum No. 29, submitted 
Ocober 31, 1919.) 
A policy regarding merchant vessels under the American flag 
has not yet been declared by Congress. The policy which will be 
adopted will in large measure determine the permanence of an 
adequate American merchant marine, adapted in types of vessels, 
equipment, and tonnage to national requirements and to the service 
of the different parts of the country. Legislation has made progress 
in Congress but must still pass through several legislative stages 
before enactment. Congress is earnestly requested to expedite its 
consideration of this legislation, which exerts influence upon the 
interests of all parts of the country, whether inland or at seaboard, 
and is asked to include the important principles for which the 
Chamber has been committed through the deliberative processes of 
its referendum procedure. 
In the field of marine insurance the Annual Meeting has received 
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