Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

unfair competition require that some investigations in matters relat- 
ing to the tariff should be conducted abroad by our government. 
For the accomplishment of these purposes, however, experience has 
shown it is unnecessary, as well as prejudicial to the development 
of our international trade relations, to maintain a system requiring 
production of books and disclosure of production costs for foreign 
producers, shippers and merchants under penalty of exclusion from 
our market. We consequently urge that Congress so change our law 
as to assure that all investigations which are made abroad in rela- 
tion to our tariff will be conducted in such a manner as to foster 
good relations. (Resolution, Fourteenth Annual Meeting, 1926.) 
Whereas, The payment at one time each year of Federal war 
taxes of large amounts has often been a great burden and incon- 
venience to individuals, firms, and corporations, and 
Whereas, Such single annual payments by the enormous agere- 
gate amount of them bid fair in the future to be a disturbing influ- 
ence to the banking business of the country to the inconvenience of 
the public, and 
Whereas, The Bill now before the Congress foreshadows a vast 
increase in the embarrassments to the country; therefore, 
Be it Resolved, That the Chamber of Commerce of the United 
States strongly recommends to the Congress that the bill or law be 
so amended as to cause the total tax, when above a certain amount, 
to be payable in four quarterly installments. (Resolution, War 
Convention of American Business, 1917. This resolution was 
reaffirmed at the annual meeting in 1918.) 
Resolved, That the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, 
recognizing the particular difficulties in the way of obtaining imme- 
diate legislative relief from certain inequalities of the present 
revenue and tax laws, commend the action of the Secretary of the 
Treasury, through the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, in calling 
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