Full text: National banking under the Federal Reserve System

of capital each shareholder shall have the privilege of subscribing for such number of 
shares of the new stock as he may be entitled to subscribe for, according to his existing 
stock in the bank. If any shareholder fails to subscribe for the amount of stock to 
which he may be entitled, the board of directors may determine what disposition shall 
be made of the privilege of subscribing for the unsubscribed stock. 
Banling Hours 
Section 13. This bank shall be opened for business from. ...........0o’clock a.m. 
to............0'clock p.m. of each day of the year, excepting Sundays and days 
recognized by the laws of this State as holidays. 
Directors’ Meeting 
Section 14. The regular meetings of the board of directors shall be held on the 
+eivenen....of each month. When any regular meeting of the board of directors 
falls upon a holiday, the meeting shall be held on such other day as the board may 
previously designate. Special meetings may be called by the president, cashier, or at 
the request of three or more directors. 
Discount Committee 
Section 15. There shall be a committee, to be known as the discount committee, 
consisting of the president, cashier, and. . _......directors appointed by the 
board every..............months, to continue to act until succeeded, who shall have 
Power to discount and purchase bills, notes, and other evidences of debt, and to buy 
and sell bills of exchange; and who shall, at each regular meeting of the board of 
directors, submit in writing a report of all bills, notes, and other evidences of debt 
discounted and purchased by them for the bank since their last report. The board of 
directors shall approve or disapprove the report of the discount committee, such action 
to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. 
Minute Book 
SEcTION 16. The organization papers of this bank, the returns of the judges of the 
elections, the proceedings of all regular and special meetings of the directors and of the 
shareholders, the by-laws and any amendments thereto, and reports of the committees 
of directors shall be recorded in the minute book; and the minutes of each meeting 
shall be signed by the president and attested by the cashier. 
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Transfers of Stock 
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SECTION 17. The stock of this bank shall be Sinisa i So 
i subject to the restrictions an prOIon: translers of 
hols 3 ben shall be provided in which all assignments and transfe 
stock shall be made. 

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