Full text: National banking under the Federal Reserve System

5. Fees to Bank Officers or Employees—No officer, director, employee, 
or attorney of a national bank may receive or consent to receive any 
fee, commission, gift or thing of value from any person or firm for 
procuring or endeavoring to procure a loan from the bank. 
6. Balance at Federal Reserve Bank—The balance which an individ- 
ual bank is required to carry with the Federal Reserve Bank of its 
district may be checked against and withdrawn by the member bank 
for the purpose of meeting an existing liability, but no bank shall at 
any time make new loans (or pay any dividends) until the total 
balance required by law is fully restored. (See “Reserve Require- 
ments,” page 76.) 
7. United States Notes as Collateral—No national bank may offer 
or receive United States notes, or national bank notes, as security 
for any loan. 
I. By Federal Reserve Bank—A Federal Reserve Bank may make 
loans to its members, on their promissory notes, for a period not 
exceeding 15 days, provided the promissory notes so given are secured 
by paper eligible for rediscount or purchase by the Federal Reserve 
Bank, or by bonds or notes of the United States, or bonds of the 
War Finance Corporation. (See page 68 .) 
2 Limitation of Indebtedness—No national bank can at any time 
awfully be indebted to an amount exceeding its capital stock actually 
Paid in and remaining undiminished by losses or otherwise, except 
On account of demands of the nature following: 
(a) Notes of circulation. 
(b) Money deposited with or collected by the association. 
(c) Bills of exchange or drafts drawn against money actually on deposit to the 
credit of the association, or due thereto. 
(d) Liabilities to the stockholders of the association for dividends and reserve 
(¢) Liabilities incurred under the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act. 
(f) Liabilities incurred under the provisions of the War Finance Corporation 

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