Full text: The new agriculture

or other mill feeds. What percentage is lost in one case or gained in 
the other? 
3. Charts of annual legumes may include a list of winter annuals 
and the use of each; a list of summer annuals and the use of each; rates 
of seeding alone and in mixtures; a peanut chart may list the costs in 
production and in yields. 
4. Debates.— Peanuts vs. beans for profit,” “ Cowpeas vs. Soybeans,” 
“ Mixtures with grains and grasses vs. sowing alone,” “ Vetches vs. other 
annual legumes,” © Lespedeza vs. Bermuda.” 
5. Field Trips.—Visit a peanut oil and butter factory. Visit a bean 
or pea cannery. Study field operations on farms of the best managers. 
Practise in fields as many of the operations with these legumes as possible. 
6. Projects.—Good student projects may be planned in growing field 
beans, peas for canneries, peanuts, and in hay crops of other annual 
legumes. Begin with the fall operations and continue all steps until the 
following fall. 
7. Trials with Projects.—Test the value of inoculation; of commer- 
~ial fertilizers or lime; of different varieties and of different soil treatments. 
8. Exercises.— (1) Collect seeds of all of these legumes for identifica- 
tion and comparison. (2) If possible, secure fresh nodule specimens 
for study. (Fig. 38.) (3) Collect the largest plants of each and mount 
them on botany sheets for permanent reference. (4) Make germination 
tests of large and small seeds to determine effects of different depths of 
planting. (5) Demonstrate that when soybeans are planted too deep they 
“ break their necks” in sprouting. 
Questions and Investigations 
Give a list of summer annual legumes; of winter annual legumes. 
Describe the growing of cowpeas, and give their uses. 
Describe the growing of soybeans with corn. 
. Compare cowpeas and soybeans in a number of ways. 
5. Explain the hogging off of these crops and corn. 
6. Compare the different types of vetches. 
7. Give the adaptations and uses of Canada field peas. 
8. Describe the growing of peanuts and give a list of uses. 
9. How are they harvested and cured? 
10. Describe the planting, culture and harvesting of field beans. 
i1. Tell what you can of Japan clover, its adaptation and uses. 
~ (ive the regions, culture and uses of velvet beans. 

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