Full text: The new agriculture

those that produce little milk ; those that eat their pigs; those that 
bring pigs of poor conformation. 
Planning for Two Litters a Year.—A swine raiser must make 
careful plans if he is to produce two litters a year from each sow 
without injuring her. The litters should be farrowed in the mild 
weather of spring and fall. As a sow’s gestation period is about 
three months and twenty days and as the suckling period is about 
two months, the sow may have a period of rest and recuperation 
twice each year. For example, if a sow farrows April first, and her 
litter is weaned June first, she may rest until June tenth before 
being rebred for the second litter. This litter should be farrowed 
October first, and may be weaned December first. The sow may 
then rest until December tenth, when she is again bred for the 
April first litter. 
It is well for breeders to plan to have most of the sows farrow 
within a few weeks of each other. They will receive better care 
when an attendant is regularly watching for the coming litters. 
The pigs may be grown off together better after weaning time than 
if they are of widely different ages. : 
Choosing a Sire.—Never breed the sows to an inferior male. 
He should be pure bred and registered and of the characteristic 
conformation of the breed. He should be smooth and of very 
best quality as shown by skin, hair, bone, nose, face, and ears, 
He should be alert, walk well on his toes, should be in good physi- 
cal health, and show a good constitution. He should not be too 
closely related to the sows as inbreeding will emphasize inferior 
qualities in both. 
When a boar is purchased, get the registration papers with him. 
Feed and care for the boar as you would for good brood sows. 
Avoid getting him too fat and lazy. Plenty of exercise and good 
pasture and plenty of mineral matter, and good sanitary surround- 
ings should give good results. 
Breeding for the Next Litter.—When the time has about 
arrived for re-breeding of sows, watch closely for indications that 
they are ready. After service, the sows should be given a quiet 
place away from all other swine for a few days. 
Growing Off the Weaned Litter.—Feed for the period follow- 
ing weaning has been discussed. Besides proper feed give the pigs 
plenty of exercise, comfortable sleeping quarters, sanitary sur- 
roundings, freedom from lice and worms, good shade, cool wallow 
or bathing pool in hot weather, and have good drinking water and 
a supply of mineral mixtures constantly before them.

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