Full text: The new agriculture

purposes: Red Polls, Brown Swiss, Shorthorn, French-Cana- 
dian, Dutch-Belted. 
Milk goats are used particularly for family purposes by for- 
eigners in the suburbs of large cities. The milk is also highly 
prized for invalids of certain types. It is extremely rich in but- 
ter fat. 
Starting a Dairy Herd.—The beginner should cling closely 
Fa. 238.—Holstein, champion butter cow of California, 1920: marked to show judging 
points. (California Station.) 
Nostril, open, clear. 
Vluzzle, broad and lips strong. 
Sorehead, broad. 
Eyes, bright, full. 
jaws, strong, well muscled. 
Neck, muscular but not thick. 
Shoulder tops, sharp, not coarse nor heavy. 
Crops, well muscled. 
Chine, vertebra open-spaced. 
Loin, broad and strong. 
Rump. level, long. 
dip bones, broad between joints. 
Churl joints, high, far apart. 
°in bones, prominent, far apart. 
Tail, long, tapering. 
Switch, full, brushed. 
17. Thigh, straight or incurving, not too thick. 
3. Shoulder, lean, firm, not covered with fat. 
19. Dewlap, not heavy, throat clean. 
20. Brisket, not coarse, prominent on some. 
21. Heart girth, deep, and wide from side to side at 
bottom of chest. 
22. Milk wells, large, numerous. 
23. Milk vein, large, crooked, elastic and running 
well forward. 
24. Fore udder, extending well forward.” 
25. Rear udder, full and attached high and broadly 
not pendulous. 
26. Teats, long, evenly spaced, cylindrical in form. 
27. Legs below hock and knee refined, not heavy 
nor coarse. 
28. Pasterns, strong, upright. 
to the dairy type of animal and the pure or high-grade stock of 
one of the dairy breeds. (Fig. 238.) Study individuals carefully 
before purchasing: their conformation, their blood record or pedi- 
gree and the production record of themselves and ancestors. 
In conformation the dairy cows should be wedge-shaped as 
viewed from the side, front, and top. The milk-secreting organs 
count- for 25 per cent in the score card. The udder should be 
large and wide and extend high behind. The fore udder should 
be full and well rounded and extend forward. The teats should be 
evenly placed and of good size. The milk veins extending forward

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