Full text: The new agriculture

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8. Horse and Mule Projects.—First study the local situation and 
markets to be sure that production projects of this kind would probably 
be as profitable as other lines of animal industry. Outline the steps, begin 
ning with the selection of breed, and continue until colts are ready for sale 
The project outline may cover a period of one or more years. 
Questions and Investigations 
Give points for and against horse breeding. 
What types would suit your region best? Why? 
Jompare Clydesdales and Percherons. 
Compare Shires and Belgians with Percherons. 
What are the chief uses for light horses? 
“ompare Thoroughbreds, Morgans, and American saddle horses. 
Compare Thoroughbreds and Standardbreds. 
What breeds are most popular? 
Compare mules with horses. 
Give directions for examining for unsoundness. 
Give suggestions on the care and management of horses. 
Give feeding directions suited to your locality

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