Full text: The new agriculture

9. Swarming and controlling swarming, p. 440; Farm Projects, 508- 
509; Bulletin, 1198. Local inquiry.—(a) Find different practices 
for hiving swarms. (b) Get several owners to describe their best 
method of swarm control. 
10. Controlling diseases and enemies. Farm Projects, 509-511; Bulle- 
tins, 975, 1084. Local inquiry— (a) Make a list of the diseases 
and enemies reported by owners. (b) Get them to explain how 
diseases are introduced. (c¢) Find the best methods of control 
practiced in your region. (d) Ask owners regarding the duties 
and benefits of bee inspectors. 
11. Extracting and preparing honey for market, p. 441; Farm Projects, 
511-512; Bulletin, 1039. Local inquiry.— (a) Visit places where 
extractors are used and learn different methods. (5) Compare 
the containers used for extracted honey, and get opinions regard- 
ing these. (¢) Get honey producers and honest dealers to com 
pare chunk honey and section comb honey for market. 
12. Selling products, p. 441; Farm Projects, 512-513; Bulletins, 653, 1039. 
Local inquiry.—(a) Ask beekeepers to compare coiperative sell- 
ing with individual selling of bee products. (b) Ask them 
regarding the value of special labels and brands. (c) Get their 
opinions regarding the best forms of honey to sell. (d) Obtain 
market prices for each type of honey and of wax. (e) Get owners 
to discuss seasons for marketing bee products. (f) Get their 
reactions regarding honey adulteration.

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