Full text: Economic Jugoslavia

property. The state forests are situated mainly in the south-east ‘and the private 
forests in the north-west. 
The trees are distributed as follows. There are 828.999 hectares or 
11.89, of purely coniferous forests ; 718.956 hectares or 10.2%, of pure oak forests ; 
1,642.500 hectares or 23,3% of beech; 2,614.600 or 37.1% of mixed deciduous; 
1,234. 522 or 17.6%, of mixed deciduous and coniferous. Both alone and in mixed 
forests there are altogether 1,446,260 hectares, or 20.6%, conifers, which leaves 
5,593.323 hectares or 79.4%, of deciduous. Of individual trees, the most exten- 
sively found is the beech, after which come the oak, pine, fir, common pine, larch, 
elm, ash and maple. All the chief trees are found in the districts most suited 
10 them climatically. The Slavonian oak is wellknown throughout the world for its 
excellent quality. Beech from the Sava and Drava districts is specially geod, 
while other notable trees are the Bosnian pine and fir, the Slovenian pine and 
larch, and the black pine of Bosnia. Serbia and Montenegre. 
II. Forest Exploitation 
Owing to the mountainous nature of the country and the lack of commu- 
nications there is one small part of the forested area which is still unexploited. 
In recent times the forests have been exploited on the principle of age 
scientific management, and proper economic planning. Only in the south-east of 
the Kingdom are the forests still exploited without any systematic plan. 
It is at present impossible to say whether the amount of timber cut an- 
nually is greater or less than the annual increase. The estimates of oxperis dif- 
fer r:rarding reaewal and exploitation for household purposes, ii: thev agree 
that th» anaual renewal is not much less than the amount annually cut. Both 
have been varying in the last few years, according to estimates, from 17 to 23 
million cubic metres of trunks a year. It is also calculated that 4 — 5 million cubic 
metres are used in the preparation of forest products for export. The rest is used 
in the country. : 
In the north-west of the Kingdom the forest are being exploited inten- 
sively, but in the other paris extensively. For the extensive exploitation the lack 
of communications is the chief reason. in additicn to the lack of capital and 
expert managers. 
Few of the State and communal forests are managed by their public ow- 
ners. The greater part are hired for exploitation to private capital. This is done 
in two mays, either by the sale of the annual produce or by selling the right of 
felling in forested areas for a number of years. The latter method is used parti- 
cularly in parts without communications when the primeval forests are first cut. 
The forest industry in this country is protected by moderate customs du- 
ties on ihe import of timber from abroad. 
TI1. The Wood Industry and Trade - 
The enormous quantities of wood mature enough for technical use and the 
excellent quality of the timber of the S. H. S. Kingdom, as well as the good pro- 
spects of sale In neighbouring countries which are badly off for timber (Italy,

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