Full text: Economic Jugoslavia

I. Coal 
All three kinds of coal are found in the S. H. S. kingdom, stone, and brown 
coal and lignite. 
The first is found mainly in the jurassic and chalk formations of the mezozoic 
period. Its caloric strength varies from 6.500 to 7.500. The brown coal belongs 
chiefly to the tertiary formations. Lignite too is almost invariably to be found 
where there is brown coal in the younger tertiary formations, and is practically 
nexhaustible in quantity. 
The brown coal varies from 3,500—5.700 calories, while the lignite has an 
almost general average of 3.400—3.600 calories, though in some parts it is as much 
as 4.000. 
The output of all three kinds is steadly increasing, and only in the last two 
years has been stationary owing to the crisis which began in 1924. 
The National output is consumed as follows: about 50% by the State Rail- 
ways ; about 35%, by industries ; about 59 by private individuals ; about 109, 
lor driving the mine engines and about 5%, for export. 
During the last three years the coal mines have employed an average of 
3000 miners. The national coal consumption, according to the 1925 statistics is 
Home coal ..... a 
Difference between import and export ............ 
Home coke .................. 
[mported coke ............... 
[mported brickettes .............. 
lotal ... 
Tons Mill. dinars 
“152.126 923,9 
305.121 151,0 
25.000 18,0 
82.591 59,4 
*7.588 44 
4.572.426 1.1567 
IT. Tron 
Most of the iron mines are in Bosnia (the famous mines of Ljubija and Vares), 
but there are mines also in Croatia (Petrova Gora and Topusko) and Serbia (Majdan- 
pek near the Danube). The best ore is that of Ljubija with 45.54%, of iron, 1,5 
to 1,9% of manganese and practically no phosphorus or sulphur. It is reckoned 
that the Ljubija mines contain over 300 million tons of ore. Dr. Friedrich Katzer, 
the greatest expert on the mineral wealth of Bosnia, found in the vicinity of the river 
Sana about 50 places where iron deposits exist. Of these 22 are in Ljubija and 
listrict, and some of them have immense amounts of ore of extremely good quality. 
The iron deposits of Ljubija, the Sana and the neighbourhood, according 
to the opinion of experts belong to carboniferous formations. In the carboniferous 
schists and sandstones lie embedded in the shape of lentils large iron ore deposits, 
chief siderite, which near the surface layers passes for the most part into limonite. 
Occasionally also hematite is found. 
After Ljubija comes Vares in the Sarajevo department, but its output is only 
a quarter that of Ljubija. 
These are the figures of iron output for the whole Kingdom:

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