To give an idea of the rise in wages from the war until now we shall give
the figures of the wages of shoemakers, tailors, mechanics and builders at Bel-
grade. These were as follows:
Minimum Maximum
Shoemakers 2.50 4.5C
Tailors 2.50 6.—
Mechanics 2.50 4.50
Builders 2.— 5.—
In 1925 wages were much the same as in 1926.
The apprentices do not usually receive wages in money, but in the form
of board and lodging. Their maintenance costs on the average 10 dinars a day.
The permanent and turnover capital of an ordinary craft shop (including
credits) is about 30.000 dinars, of which two-thirds to, three-quarters is in the
form of raw material and finished goods. This cdpital is turned over about 3 and
a half times in the course of a year, i. e. an average crafts shop has an annual
turnover of 110—120.000 dinars. Of this the gross income is 30% or 36.000 di-
nars. Of this gross income the average yearly expenses are: expenditure on ap-
prentices and seasonal workers 7000 dinars ; yearly rent 5000 dinars ; taxes (with
local rates) 1000; maintenance of shop 1200 ; altogether a total expendiiure of
14.200 dinars. -
From the above estimate the total capital with which the crafts of the
Kingdom work may be calculated at 6,000.000.000 dinars, (200.000 shops at
30.000 dinars), or since this capital is turned over 314 times in the course of a year,
an actual amount of dinars in the value of goods produced or ser-
vices rendered.