Full text: Economic Jugoslavia

city of the factories: The Kingdom consumes annually 8.000 truckloads, so that 
there is a surplus for export. In the 1924—25 season 5.400 truckloads of dried 
sliced beet were produced, of which a good third went to America. The factories 
handle only home beet. ° 
The 46 breweries in the country have a joint capacity of over a million 
hectolitres a year, which is sufficient for the whole consumption of the nation. 
The decrease in consumption however has brought the actual output down to 
500.000 hectolitres, - 
Manufacture of Alcohol 
There are 14 entreprises for the manufacture of alcohol, with a capacity 
of 24,754.600 hectolitre degrees or litres of pure alcohol and 51 agricultural di- 
stilleries, with a capacity of 4,798.000 hl. degrees, or litres, of pure spirit. Very 
little is used in the country, so that the factories produce for export, and circum- 
stances ‘on the markets of the world permit them to utilise only a small part of 
their capacity. Together with the manufacture of alcohol there are a large number 
of liqueur and cognac factories, and distilleries of brandies from fruits, in 
particular of plum brandy and maraschino, both of which have world repute. 
Vegetable oils 
- Oil is Prepared from the olive, poppy, rapeseed, flax, and pumpkin seed. 
This industry is sufficiently developed to be able to cover the whole national need 
of edible oils. 
Preservation of Fish. 
This industry, which before the war was able to produce 20,000.000 tins 
of fish preserved in oil, has not yet regained its old capacity. 
Conserved Fruit & Vegetables 
This industry employs about 60 enterprises, in addition to which there are 
9 factories of yeast, 9 of chicory, about 60 for the manufacture of chocolate and 
candied fruits, and 4 for the preservation of meat. 
The manufacture of starch and dextrine from maize and wheat is carried 
on by 8 factories with a capacity of 1.200 trucks. Another 2 factories prepare bar- 
ley sugar and syrup. There are other agricultural industries also, such as the grin- 
ding of papper, mustard manufacture, and the preparation of vinegar from al- 
cohol (70 in all). 
The Lheather Industry 
Leather is one of the most advanced industries in the country. There are 
about 40 large and medium factories, and numbers of small workshops and craftsmen. 
Altogether “these ‘factories have a capacity annually of about 1,700.000 
cattle and 1,400.000 calf hides, which would give 18.000 tons of sole leather and 
12.600 tons for other purposes. -

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