Full text: Economic Jugoslavia

Carpets are made in 4 small and two large factories, which besides other 
kinds produce Smyrna and Persian carpets, pile cloth and plush for upholstery 
and Gobelin tapestry work. 
The famous Pirot carpets are made by the carpet co-operative at Pirot. 
Cocoanut matting is made in one large factory. 
Serbia and Voivodina alone could produce about 2 million cocoons for the 
manufacture of silk. The manufacture fell off considerably however during and 
immediately after the war, but is now reviving and increasing from year to year. 
There are 3 silk winding factories. 
Silk export was as follows : 
Cocoons Raw silk and waster 
1925 ............... 244 tons, 26,000.000 dinars 19 tons, 8.4 mill. dinars 
[924 . 233 ,, 30,000.000 ,, 8.8 ,, 2 mill. dinars 
1923 een 1290, 34,000.000 32 ,, 21 mill. dinars 
Cement, Plaster, Tiles and Glass 
The manufacture of Portland cement began in this country in 1869 at Beodin, 
and one year later in Dalmatia. Now there are 14 factories with a yearly capacity 
of about one million tons. 
The factories represent a value of about 60 million dinars in gold and when 
working at full capacity employ about 12.000 men. 
The quality of the cement is good, occasionally excellent. In spite of the 
fact that the factories are not able to make use of their entire capacity owing to 
difficulties (which however ought to be surmounted in time, as e. g. crisis in the 
building industry, high duties abroad), cement is exported to all parts of the world. 
We can produce enough plaster to supply our whole demand. Large amounts 
of fine alabaster plaster are exported. 
The manufacture of clay and cement goods is also well advanced, and 
employs a number of small factories in addition to several large ones, a total in 
all of over 100. The chief products are stoves of fireproof clay, pipes, slabs for 
floors and streets, tiles for walls, fire proof bricks, tiles and artistic stone. 
Enough bricks are made in the country to supply the demand and to allow 
for export. 
There are 6 factories with a capacity of about 1.500 truckloads of curved 
glass, and 1,000.000 cu. ms of window glass. There are other factories which work 
chiefly at the manufacture of mirrors. 
Chemical Industry 
Although we possess a number of chemical factories which are already 
exporting to foreign countries, this industry must be admitted to be in the early 
stages of development.

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