Full text: Economic Jugoslavia

The following shows the distribution and preparation of the fish caught: 
Sold ony Io. Despatched Abroad Preserved 
al market Home In oil in salt 
Kilograms Kilograms 
328.564 187.847 21.925 433 24.100 
838.452 62.892 243.629 58.375 285.948 
465.528 191.280 11.867 144.473 308.957 
318.297 155.667 96.785 7.563 190.280 
179.462 52.482 — 12.860 91.925 
2,129.803 650.068 373.506 223.704 901.120 
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{ 9 2 5 
360.019 206.754 114.580 — 1.673 
506.762 178.803 107.201 10.400 66.493 
521.361 132.019 99.564 113.587 457.735 
346.226 89.564 86.352 21.714 208.126 
cee. 190.882 37.908 — 125.290 3.851 
Total ............ 2,025.250 645.046 407.697 170.991 737.878 
The following is a general survey of the economic position of the sea fisheries 
of the Kingdom. 
Year Capital No of No of Fish Average Daily 
invested fishers working caught catch production 
Dinars employed days Kgs daily per man 
1925 60,254.266 10.337 237 4,278.201 35,833.94 18.052 14.62 
1926  55,033.340 10.151 220 3.986.862  35,355.136 18.122 15.83 
It is interesting to compare the export of sea fish with the total export of fish from 
the Kingdom. The official statistics for the year 1925 give the comparison as follows 
Total export of fish Export of sea fish 
3,188.585 kgs, 22,641.647 dins. 407.697 kgs, 3.261.576 dins. 
The output of sponges in the last two years was as follows: 
Year Number Value in dinars 
1926... ... 167.095 434.215 
1925 ...... ... 280.000 483.000 
The Coral output during the same vears was - 
1926 ..... 
114 46.250 
50 128.000 
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