Full text: Report of the Committee appointed by the Treasury to consider the principles on which charges for certain services rendered by government departments should be assessed

OrrFice oF Works. 
Purchase of sites. 
Erection and maintenance of buildings. 
Supply of fuel, light, furniture and household goods. 
The customers of the Office of Works include besides Exchequer 
Departments, the Royal Household, occupants of Grace and Favour 
Residences, the Telephone Capital Account, the Government of 
Northern Ireland (the last two were responsible for three-quarters 
of the expenditure of the Department on repayment services in 
1925), the Savings Bank Fund and various grant-aided Institutions. 
Supply of stationery, books, printing, typewriters and other office re- 
The customers to whom these are supplied on repayment are almost 
entirely ‘‘ extra-departmental,” e.g., Metropolitan Police, the Road 
Fund, Post Office Savings Bank, India, the Ordnance Factories. 
Boarp or TRADE. 
Sea Transport Service (i.e., the conveyance, for the Service Departments 
and India, of personnel and stores by sea, and the purchase, upkeep 
and storage of the equipment required therefor). 
Administration of statutory services and funds, e.g., the issue of licences 
under the Dyestuffs (Import Regulation) Act, 1920, the relief of 
distressed British seamen abroad under the Merchant Shipping Acts, 
administration of Gas Fund. 
Supply of life-saving stores and sight-testing apparatus. 
Construction, re-instatement and maintenance of roads for aerodromes 
and military camps (chiefly by direct labour, but occasionally by 
contract or through the agency of a local authority) including pre- 
paration of plans, purchase of plant and materials, and supervision. 
Administration of, e.g., the Roads Act, 1920, and the London Traffic 
Act, 1924. 
Advising on road matters and the holding of enquiries. 
Manufacture and overprinting of stamps. 
Services by the Stamping Department in connection with, e.g., inspection 
of stamping machinery in Ireland, the supply of pavers and prints 
for the Security Press in India. 
Technical services by the Valuation Office, e.g., to the Roads Depart- 
ment of the Ministry of Transport and to the Welsh Church Com- 
Statutory services, e.g., Registration of Busimess Names. 
Customs aNp Excise Department. 
The repayment services are almost entirely extra-departmental. 
They include: — 
Reserved Services under the Government of Ireland Act. 
The collection of revenue for the Government of Northern Ireland, 
the General Lighthouse Fund and the Isle of Man or for Harhour 
The special attendance of officers at ‘‘ unapproved ’ places or outside 
official hours at the request of merchants. etc.

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