Full text: Government forest work

Goverriment Forest Work 41 
The lantern slides, most of which are in sets accom- 
panied by lecture outlines, illustrate the subjects of 
general forestry, the work of the Forest Service, for- 
estry in its relation to farm woodlands, nature study, 
geography, manual training, etc. 
The motion pictures, most of which are one reel 
(1,000 feet) in length, cover the subjects of fire pre- 
vention, reforestation, lumbering, grazing, Forest 
Service work, the forests as reservoirs, and the forests 
as places of recreation and beauty. 
The Forest Service maintains a considerable amount 
of material for use in making exhibits at fairs and 
expositions, both in cooperation with other bureaus 
of the Government and independently. 
Particular attention is given to enlisting the inter- 
est and cooperation of the public in the prevention 
and control of forest fires and in the extension of the 
practice of forestry by private owners, and wide use 
of the national forests is promoted by directing the 
preparation and diffusion of information having this 
end in view. ® 
The administration of the national forests and 
the conduct of all matters relating to forestry which 
have been placed upon the Department of Agriculture 
by Congress are, under the direction of the Secretary 
of Agriculture, in charge of the forester and the asso- 
ciate forester. The work of the Forest Service is 
organized under the branches of operation, forest 
management, grazing, lands, research, engineering, 
and public relations. 
The branch of operation has general supervision of 
the finances, personnel equipment, quarters, and sup- 
plies of the service, and of all fire control and per- 
manent improvement work on the national forests. 
The branch of forest management supervises the 
sale and cutting of timber on the nation} forests and 
reforestation of denuded land.

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