Full text: Report on the Pacific islands shipping facilities

Local Services.—The Commonwealth also pays £2,000 per annum for a monthly service 
along the south coast of Papua from Daru to Samarai, calling at Daru, Kikori, Orokolo, Yule Island, 
Hisiu, Port Moresby, Kapa Kapa, Aba, Baibara, Samarai, and others by agreement. This contract 
is for a period of five years from lst January, 1926, and is held by the Steamships Trading Company 
Limited, the service being conducted by the Papuan Chief (255 tons gross). 
The same company bas also a contract for a monthly mail service along the north-east 
coast of Papua from Jamarai to Mambare, calling at Puni Puni, Baniara, Cape Nelson, and Buna 
Bay, for which it receives £540 per annum from the Papuan Administration. This service 1s 
conducted by the Queenscliffe (109 tons gross). 
In addition to the Papuan Chief and Queenscliffe, the following vessels over 30 tons gross 
operate along the Papuan coast .— Auxiliary ketches Veimauri (32 tons), Varoe (40 tons), ketch 
Alert (32 tons), auxiliary schooner MacLaren King (41 tons), the last named being a mission vessel 
and used solely on mission work. 
All vessels leaving coastal ports in the Territory are obliged to take whatever mails are 
offering before they sail. 
The present Territory of New Guinea comprises that portion of the German New Guinea 
Protectorate south of the Equator, with the exception of the Island. of Nauru. The principal 
islands and their approximate areas are as under :(— 
North-east New Guinea .. .. 
Bismark Archipelago— 
New Britain .. .. . 
New Ireland .. .. 
New Hanover .. .. . 
Admiralty Islands and North-Western Islands 
Bougainville .. i. 
Buka .. . 
The Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, having been given full powers of 
administration and legislation over these areas under Mandate from the League of Nations, this 
Territory was, by the New Guinea Act 1920, declared to be a Territory under the authority of the 
Commonwealth by the name of the Territory of New Guinea. Civil Government was established 
in May, 1921, following on the military occupation of the Territory by Australia, which dated 
from 17th September, 1914. 
On 30th June, 1926, the number of Kuropeans in the Territory was about 1,776, Asiatics 
totalled approximately 1,500, and the native population was estimated at 400,000. 
The value of the trade of the Territory for the last four years has been :— 
1922-23 .. - 
1923-24 .. vs 
1924-25 .. “i 
1095-96 _ _ 
516,856 | 630,892 
485,634 718,535 
537,940 858,990 
BER 93G 1.105.158 
The following figures indicate the posicion regarding imports for the past two vears :— 
1924-25 .. 
1925-26 .. 
From Australia. 
From other Countries. | 
Tons, Tons. 
5,059 | 91,796 
6.359 23.9259 
The principal items of Australian manufacture included in these figures are tinned meat, 
four. and tinned milk. Drapery, tobacco, wines and spirits are imported through Australia.

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