Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

of the officials — all had vanished into the unknown, without leaving a 
trace behind. 
Recently a German socialistic organ wrote about it, as if it were an 
economic miracle: there are no owners, who were formerly in the habit of 
receiving much greater profits from Russian factories and works, the 
surplus value, however, now remains in the hands of the proletariat 
government, the relation of prices between industrial goods and agricultural 
products has changed with a sharp turn in the interests of industrial goods 
— and in spite of it all, the industry as a whole is a deficit-undertaking 
and only manages to exist by the assistance from the State exchequer. 
This enigmatical apparition — at all events for the present moment — 
is no longer so mysterious when one investigates the substance of the internal 
structure of the present day Russian industry, and above all things, its 
original capital stock. 
5. Tanner-Tannenbaum (in the periodical “Planovoje Choziaistvo”, 
i. e., The Plan Economy, Moscow 1927, No. 3, from the article: “The 
Rationalisation of Economic Power-Industry”), has fixed the total amount 
of power of all primary power-motors (steam-piston machines, steam 
turbines, Diesel motors) at 2,500,000 kilowatt, and further, the heating 
surface of all steam-boilers at 3,500,000 square meter. According to the 
expert opinion of the author of the said article, the statistic investigations 
of the chief economic council have resulted in the following percentage 
for wear and tear: (i. e., the following number of machines whose length 
of service exceed the normally permissible customary use of 25 years): 
for steam engines 2500; for combustion motors 33 0; on an average 
for all motors... 28 0%. Of the total steam-boiler heating surface 35 % 
>f all mounted boilers in actual use, have exceeded the permissible length 
>f service (25 years). 
According to the calculations of Tanner-Tannenbaum, 50 % of existing 
industrial installations worked by heat-power motors, and 53 9% of all 
boilers, will exceed the normal length of service in 1930. 
In addition to the actual wear, the so-called “moral deterioration”, i. e. 
the technical deficiency, is also of great importance. The standards for 
‘moral deterioration” ruling in the West, are 30 9%. Such is the condition 
of the installations at present, or, at all events, was so a short time ago; 
the Bolshevics, however, did not take over the installations in this condition. 
What are the losses of the Russian Industry since the revolution? 
{n Soviet Russia there is a fairly voluminous literature devoted to this 
question. The results of the investigations, however, show a chequered 
difference, in spite of the frequently occurring conscientious endeavours 
of the investigators to get at the actual figures, so necessary for the cal- 

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