Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

the fate of all Bolshevistic plans; wages proved to be increased by 11.9 %, 
but the productiveness of work rose only by 11.7%. The wages of workers 
and employees on the whole, in proportion to the prime-costs of the 
products, (according to particulars of the Institute for Surplus Production 
in Moscow, Bulletin for 1927, Nos. 11/12) amounted: in 1925/26 to 26.48 9; 
in 1926/27 to 26.89 %. According to the same information, the deductions 
oor increases) of the wages amounted to 33.99% in 1924/25; to 32.180) 
in 1925/26; to 32.0% in 1926/27. 
The costs of production in agricultural industries are also not lower. 
[. Shirkovitsch gives the following figures for the cost of production in 
pre-war time and in the present time for the chief branches of the agricul- 
ural industry (Bulletin of the Conjuncture Institute 1927, No. 12). 
Costs of pro- Table in 
duction in pre- Kopecks : Index of 
war time Costs of pro- increase in 
(without costs duction at the costs of pro- 
of raw pressent time duction 
materials) (in 1926/27) 
Caster or powdered sugar 
(percwt.). . . 
Syrup (per cwt.). . . . . .. 
Spirits (Wedro of 409) 
(Wedro = to 12.3 litre) . . . 31.76 .... 92.96 
Export butter (per cwt.). . ... gb2.az .. .. 1,942.00 
The wholesale price of goods in Russia at the place of origin in com- 
parison to the prices in England and Germany, amounted to: 
England Germany Russia 
1927 a 
In the eleventh year of the revolution the gross production of the in- 
dustry has almost reached the pre-war production. According to the particu 
lars L. Kafenhaus brings in the Jubilee volume of the Economic Review 
(Ekonomicheskoe Obosrenie, vol. X, 1927), the number of workers and 
the increase of the gross production (in thousands of Tscherwonez roubles). 
's characterised by the following figures: 
In Number of workers Value of production 
1,273,802 1,088,583 
1,410,313 1,524,076 
1,567,875 1,059,886 

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