Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

In Number of workers Value of production 
(924/25 . . . . 1,802,022 . . . 3,149,336 
1925/26 . . . . 2,334,808 . . . . 4,580,201 
1926/27 . 2,469,071 5,401,771 
These figures of the gross production have been reached at the expense 
of a strong deterioration of the quality and of an increased wear of the 
echnical installations already much worn, as well as by an extraordinary 
wurden inflicted on the State budget. In percentage comparison with 1913, 
the gross production of the State industry amounted to: (According to 
figures given by the Gosplan State Commission for Plan-economy, from 
the book, “The Industry of the U.S.S. R. in the course of ten years’, 
published by the Chief Council of Political Economy, Moscow 1927. 
Gross production of the State Industry in percentage comparison 
with 1913: 
Coal . . 
Naphtha . 
Metals . . 
Cotton goods 
Galoshes . . 
Salt Co 
1925/26 1926/27 
34.1 107.2 
89.8 109.7 
y2.4 70.5 
oy 76.3 
3:.0 105.6 
91.0 . 109.6 
20 0 102.0 
The particular domain of industry belonging to electrification must be 
subjected to a special consideration. Electrification was proclaimed by 
Lenin for the first time at the VIII. Soviet congress in 1920. At that 
ime electrification was regarded as being the only way by which the real 
socialism would be able to be introduced into Russia. 
According to Lenin's opinion, by carrying out a scheme of electrification, 
not only would a centralisation of the whole industry be brought about, 
and the possibility of an easy system of governing be achieved, but also 
by its introduction the individualistic work in the country would be destroyed 
root and branch. The peasants being obliged to use the electric energy 
supplied by the town, would thereby get into a close dependency of the town, 
and they could then be compelled without any great difficulty to build 
ap agricultural products according to the fixed plan designed for the 
whole of the country. Definite periods of time for the gradual clectrification 
of Russia were fixed upon, and fairly large means were set apart for this 
purpose. But in place of dozens of planned stations only the power. station 
“Krassnuj Oktjabr” (The Red October) with peat fuel consumption and 
30,000 kilowatt capacity, and the hydro-electric station Wolchowstroj, also 
with 30.000 kilowatt capacity have been put into action in the North-West 

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