Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

the ruling fraction answered it by a question: “where is the money for such 
in increase to come from”? In connection with this, the opposition, in the 
document already mentioned, asks Stalin's fraction: “And were is one to 
take the money from for the realization of the 7 hours working day? 
if it is to be carried out without a reduction of the workmen’s wages, it 
would cost the industry and transport about 550 millions roubles yearly. 
[f we are able to get these sums, it would be better to ask the workmen 
themselves for what purpose the money is to be used first: for an increase 
in wages, building of new lodgings or for the realization of the 7 hours 
vorking day’'®). 
The Soviet Government admits that the introduction of the 7-hours 
working day is not possible without great financial sacrifices on the part 
>f the industry and the State. Thus, in his report read in Moscow on the 
ist of December 1927, Kraval protested only against the figure — 500 mill. 
roubles, indicated by the opposition, and maintained that this expense would 
not exceed 180 mill. roubles. 
At the same meeting the Chairman-communist Mantzew emphasised 
once more that the decree on the introduction of the 7-hours working day 
is of the great importance for the propaganda abroad: 
“The 7-hours working day is first of all a slogan in the struggle 
of the workmen class. Being realized by us in practice it evokes great 
sympathies among the proletariat of the West; it is the sharp limit which 
separates Socialistic Society from the capitalistic one, being a stage in the 
hange of the economic form of the whole world. But the practical 
realization of the problem of the 7-hours working day meets naturally 
with great difficulties.” 
In his speech made in Kharkov at the Ukraine Conference of the 
communistic party**), Rykow touched upon the sorest point of the workers 
question in Soviet Russia — the unemployment which exceeded 2.000.000 
people In the year 1927. We shall later return to this topic. 
Speaking of the plan of development of the national economy worked 
out by the Soviet government for the period of the next five years, Rykow 
said: — 
‘T did not think it right to present to the party for discussion the five 
years plan, i. e. such a plan of development of the economy, according to 
vhich unemployment would continue to increase in the course of the next 
years... In the struggle with the unemployment and with the over-popu- 
lation of the rural districts, together with all other measures, a consider 
able part will be played by the 7-hours working day’. 
*) Counter-theses of the opposition. Pravda No. 263, 17th November, 1927 
**) See Economicheskaia Jisn No. 270, November 26th, 1027. 

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