Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

of the floor are allowed per lodger, instead of the normal g sq. m. 95 9% 
of all the dwellings are overcrowded... 59 9% of the house are in dreadful 
insanitary conditions... The administration of the factory is to be blamed 
for it... How can one speak of any cleanliness, if the floors in all the 
barracks have not been washed since summer (this description applies to 
January)... 58 9% of the lodgings are damp.... 76 % of the lodgings 
are cold”... 
Bolshevics like to pretend that these ill-conditioned lodgings of the 
workmen are “inherited” from the capitalistic industry. Therefore the 
following remark with which the communistic paper concludes this des- 
cription, is essential: “Such are the inhuman, dreadful, conditions in 
which the workmen of the factory “Fire of Dagestan” live. — a factory 
quipped by the last word of technics”. 
Both these descriptions apply to the conditions in the provinces. To 
complete the picture, — we shall quote a description published in the 
‘Comsomol Pravda” (of January 14, 1928) of a home for girl-workers 
in the very centre of Leningrad (“a few steps from the Nevsky”, as the 
author says). The author gives his article the title: “Catacombs”: “The 
horror of catacombs of the first christian epoch dwells in the cold dark 
corridors, arched ceiling, frameless windows... there are living at present 
3o- girls, factory workers... I never saw a sight more appalling than this 
nude wretchedness. Life in such conditions will never encourage people to 
strive towards new, honest, lucid labour and human joy. In dark bes- 
mirched burrows, with smoking, stinking, tiny lamps, in awful filth the 
factory girls live here. In one of the rooms, on the ruins of a berth, on 
2 heap of ragged rubbish, under a filthy caparison — there lies Anna 
[vanova. For three months already she has been laid up with some illness 
and eats “whatever is given her’, and slowly dies in the sight of everybody.” 
Accidents and the protection of labour. 
Accidents occurring In the industry are a sad, but to a certain degree 
an unavoidable result of present-day technics; however, Socialists and Com- 
nunists of all countries are apt to attribute them to the capitalist’s tendency 
lo extract the greatest profit, in view of which, he does not take proper 
measures in order to diminish the number of accidents and to protect 
the workmen. Socialists pretend that the handing over of industry to a 
proletarian government would strongly reduce the number of accidents, if 
it did not do away with them altogether. 
In view of this assertion, it will be particularly interesting to note the 
experience made at the issue of the 10 vears of the Bolshevic regime. 
It shows that: — 

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