Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

Never has there been such an enormous amount of criminality among 
Jews, as there is at the present time, i. e., among Jews drugged by 
Bolshevism. The Russian Jews as a nation are threatened by spiritual death. 
Is not this more terrible than a pogrom? 
If among the Russian Jews an entirely unbiased plebiscite could be 
taken concerning the question whether they wished to remain in their 
present condition or return to the pre-war state with its comparative 
inequality of political rights, but with its freedom in economic and cultural 
development, 80 0p of Russian Jews would express themselves for the 
second alternative. There cannot be any doubt about it whatsoever. It is 
aot the fallen regime as such that frightens the Jew; it is the transition 
period between the fall of the Bolshevics and the establishment of a new 
"egime. This transition period is coupled in everybodies mind with inevitable 
cruel pogroms. There is doubtless some truth in this. The most retro- 
gressive elements of the Russian emigrants are chiefly responsible for the 
fact that the Jews fear this, for the former continue to merge the 
resuscitation of Russia with Jewish pogroms. But are the Jews doing 
right when they preach a passive expectant policy? 
Therein lies the crux of the problem! 
One must be perfectly blind not to see the reality. Whatever may 
come to pass in Russia itself, whatever may be undertaken by other Powers, 
the Soviets will inevitably fall. We can neither foresee exactly when, or 
how they will be overthrown, but their end is inevitable. The Soviet regime 
by its very nature is incapable of evolution. The Bolshevics with their 
Marxist traditions cannot co-ordinate the interests of the factory prole- 
:ariat with the exigencies of the agricultural country side population. This 
was best illustrated by the struggle between Stalin and Trotzki. Stalin’s 
victory primarily signified the victory of village over town. But it all ended 
in a new pressure on the village population, in a new period of terrible 
persecutions of the so-called “Kulaks”, which means the more well-to-do 
peasants. This clash between town and village will eventually kill the 
regime of the Soviets. It is fatal. 
Is it possible for the Jews merely to take the part of indifferent 
spectators of what is passing? This would mean remaining unprepared for 
the very moment of the crisis. This would mean exposing the whole of 
the Jewish population of Russia to the terrible risk of the stormy time of 

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