Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

round one particular central idea or theme*), in other words: “The Complex 
Method not only demands that the children should systematize all they are 
taught round some general theme, but also insists that all this work in 
school should be founded on the strictly defined principles of a com- 
munistic education.” Three themes must be taken as the basis of a com- 
munistic education: Nature, Labour and Society. During the four years 
of the primary course the following sciences must be taken in review: 
Zoology, botany, mineralogy, physics, chemistry, geography, the anatomy 
of man, hygiene, astronomy, agriculture, including gardening, cattle raising, 
apiculture, vegetable culture; technical knowledge concerning certain in- 
lustries must also be taught. All this material is to be taught by grouping 
it round the above named themes. 
During the first three years of study the teacher should study local 
material and facts. During the fourth year he passes over to the study 
of the “Universe”. One must keep in mind that all this is to be done 
with children of 8 to 12 years old. 
The children must be taught, not by tales out of a book, but by direct 
observation of animals and of men; they must be shown the physiological 
structure and fruitfulness of the local plants. During the 4th year (when 
the child is 11 years old) it is taught meteorology and astronomy and 
during this teaching a materialistic view of the world must be inculcated. 
This program does not contain a single independent subject: neither 
‘he Russian language, nor arithmetic, nor geography. 
“The native tongue must be taught only in as far as it is connected 
with the “complexes” of which we have spoken. It must be taught only 
logether with the other subjects; and yet it is taken for granted that at 
the end of the first trimester of the first year, the children will know 
how to read, write and be able to add, substract, multiply and divide all 
figures under 20. It is also insisted upon that the child is not to be taught 
lo read and write before it understands the use of these accomplishments. 
Grammar, and the art of reading and speaking well are also to be taught 
according to the complex method.” 
During the fourth year the pupil must be able (the child is only 
tx years old) to write “the most difficult and complicated letter, to give 
a report, to keep the minutes of a meeting, to compose a petition, to report 
on the work done, to keep account-books. Arithmetic must teach him to 
measure existing objects. Thus, for instance, if in the section of the lesson 
marked “Nature” you happen to be speaking of domestic animals, it will 
*) A. Boehm. The Russian school abroad, book No. 23, The Impressions of the 
Chief Social Instructor Einstein in one of the Moscow schools. 

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