Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

Education in the Bolshevist School. 
Though the harm done by Bolshevic methods of teaching was bad 
enough, the results of Bolshevic education war still worse. Of course it was 
io be foreseen that we should find nothing about relegious education in 
the programs of 1918 and 1923, but there is also nothing about that 
moral education which is introduced in to the programs of all those 
countries in which the Church has been separated from the State (ethical 
aching). This in no wise means that the communists are not interested in 
the direction in which the youth will be brought up. On the contrary, all 
he teaching, the whole system of school organization, all the different 
groupings of school-children — all tend, directly and most adequately, to 
re-educate the boys and girls in the spirit of the Communistic Party; to 
imbue them with “class moriality” — which is the only morality that 
‘hey accept. 
What are we to understand by the words “Class Morality’’? Firstly, its 
fundamental principle is not love of our neighbour, but hatred, an 
andying hatred of all who do not belong to our class and our party. 
‘Down with love towards our neighbour. What we need is hatred”, exclai- 
med Lunatcharsky during the Teacher’s Conference. 
According to the program one of the aims of the school is to develop 
hatred towards the capitalistic regime and towards the “bourgeoisie”. This 
s the main spring’ of all the themes. From its very first year in school a 
*hild, aged eight, is taught not only the principle of class struggle; he is 
also taught not to love and respect his parents; he is told to spy upon them; 
he is taught to compare the material conditions of his neighbours, i. e. to 
:nvy them, if they are richer. During the second year the children are 
supposed to hate and condemn, not only their neighbours, but also the 
rich”! “the priest” and the profiteer. The field for his hatred grows ever 
vider. He is taught to hate the historical past of his country; all the 
representatives of former authority, all the former statesmen and social 
Next to be hated are the foreign capitalists, “the school, the press, and 
the religion” of “bourgeois countries”, for they have all been created to 
‘dupe proletarians’’; whole countries ave to be hated; also the leaders of 
foreign governments, and so on, and so on, without end. 
(t is characteristic that in the very favourable reviews of a Bolshevistic 
anthology (Leonoff’s Anthology) the “Teacher’s Newspaper’ remarks that 
he last tale “is saturated with mutual, deadly, superhuman hatred’’*). 
*) Teacher's Newspaper, Moscow, No. a4, 1926. 

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