Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

organizations take up nearly all the time of the children. They have no 
time left for their school exercises; yet they are sure that this will be 
overlooked and pardoned, and that they will be allowed to graduate from the 
school successfully whatever their knowledge may be. 
One thing more helps to demoralize the children still further: it is 
the consciousness of the power that has been given them; the certainty 
that they will remain unpunished. This manifests itself in acts of wild 
violence between the comrades themselves; in insolvence towards their 
2lders, and hooligan behaviour towards outsiders. 
All criteria of moral values have been lost; they have been replaced by 
1 consciousness of evil party solidarity. What will the present generation be 
like after having passed through ten years of Soviet instruction, Soviet 
training, and Soviet education? 
We can answer the question without hesitation: “What has the Bol- 
shevistic regime achieved in the realm of the people's education during 
these ten years?" 
It has destroyed the schools; the education of the country has been 
set back for many decades; culture and the moral standards have been 
lowered; the spiritual life of a whole generation has been vitiated 

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