Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

in the Russian Church, does Yok weaken, 1f the example of martyrs con- 
tinues to uphold it, if it remains faithful to the emblem of its God, if 
during days of suffering and persecution it keeps feeling the Saviour’s 
strength, — then we may be assured of the Russian nations future welfare. 
In this spiritual struggle the general fate of the nation is being settled. 
Spiritual, mystic force proved itself as a thing more real than the instru- 
ments of torture. 
The breath of early Christianity has passed over Soviet Russia. 
“Children! You are of God and have conquered them; for the One, who 
is in you is greater than the one, who is in the world.” The struggle 
continues, but the victory is already known. 
And moreover, religion is the only power that can quieten and cure 
wounded Russia. It helped numerous martyrs (the late Tzar among them) 
as it helped Our Saviour when He prayed for his persecutors: 
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.” 
How can one dream of checking such a conquering, surging force? 

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