Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

Non- class Character of the Terror. 
The principle, “Poison for the bourgeoisie, comradely exhortation for 
workmen and peasant”, was only the expression of a demagogic principle. 
Only with a demagogic object did the “proletarian origin’ sometimes admit 
extenuating circumstances. Kautsky called the Terror “fraternal murder, 
committed exclusively, because of the will to power”, and he was more than 
right. During the “Red Terror”,a phenomenon repeated itself, which Louis 
Blanc noted in the French Revolution. Of the 2755 persons guilliotined 
in France, more than 2090 fell on the well-to-do classes (The same 
deductions were drawn later on by Taine in his statistics). Owing to the 
manner in which the executions were published by the Bolshevics, it is 
almost impossible to determine the social position of those executed. But 
it is characteristic that occasional data show a minimum percentage of 
My card-record of 1918 to 191g showed the largest percentage to be 
of the intelligentsia — 1. e., “the servants of the bourgeoisie”, to use 
the terminology of the Bolshevist classification — and of the peasants, 
representing the petit bourgeois interests. If we take the later data of the 
year 1923, we find more than fo per cent of the workman-peasant group. 
Wholesale shooting carried out by the Cheka by all possible punitive ex- 
peditions, as a matter of fact, affected the masses, viz., the workmen and 
peasants. We might note the decrees of wholesale murder of “well-to-do” 
peasants. When, during the repression of the peasant disorders in the 
villages (especially in the Tambov guberniya, in the year 1921), the Bolshe- 
vici shot “every eleventh” and even “every third”, as the official document 
states, it is hardly necessary to take into account the qualification of 
well-to-do’. The “pitiless punishment” at the order of Trotzky of the 
Astrakhan workmen in March 1919, marked a hecatomb of the proletariat 
in the real sense of the word. 
Statistics of the Terror. 
Such was the Red Terror in its first period, within which we include the 
years 1918 to 1921. This was a time when an active civil war was going 
on, when two armies faced each other, but after the Soviet power in one 
way or another issued victorious — in the South after the fall of the rule 
of General Denikin, in the Crimea after the evacuation of General Wrangel, 
in Siberia after the régime of Admiral Kolchak, in the North everywhere — 
the same picture may be observed; the act of vengeance on the defeated 
enemy is carried out, the annihilation of the future enemy, the enemy 
in spe. Not caught with guns in their hands, but remaining on the territory 
which had fallen under the Soviets control, those who participated in the 
civil war (especially the officers) were subjected to wholesale destruction. 

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