Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

the control of the air-force, the inspection of different kinds of troops, 
of the military educational establishments and of the political administration. 
The calling-in of the recruits, the mobilisation and the training outside 
of the army, are in charge of a special apparatus — of the local military 
management, subdivided into districts under the name of District Military 
Commissariat. The latter are united in each cicuit and are subordinated 
to the commanders of the corps and divisions stationed in a given circuit. 
The corps in the Red Army are subdivided into sharpshooter and cavalry 
corps. The first consist of 2—3 sharpshooter (infantry) divisions, of a 
sapper battalion of one company of intelligence-service, and of one detach- 
ment of heavy artillery consisting of batteries of 107 mm (4.2 In.) guns, 
and of one howitzer battery of 155 mm (6 in.) guns, which up till recently 
consisted of 4 guns each and now apparently consist of three. In war-time 
a scouting air-detachment of 10—12 aeroplanes is added to a “corps”. 
Some of the corps consist exclusively of contingent divisions, others of 
territorials only; and finally there are also contingent-territorial corps. 
Every cavalry corps consists of two cavalry divisions. The entire number of 
corps in the Red Army is: 23 sharpshooter and four cavalry corps. 
The total number of sharpshooter (infantry) divisions amounts to 67, 
of which no less than 35 are territorial; of cavalry corps there are 12, 
and besides these there are g separate cavalry brigades. Every sharpshooter 
division consists of the administration of 3 regiments having 3 battalions 
each, and of one artillery regiment divided into 3 sections: in two of these 
sections there are 3 light-gun batteries, each battery having 3 guns of 
76 mm (3 in. guns of the type 1go2), and the third, the howitzer section, 
of 4 gun batteries each armed with 3 light field-howitzers of 122 mm 
(4.8 in. guns, type 1909-10), the full complement being 30 guns in each 
division. According to other information the batteries are of 4 guns each, 
or at least can be developed into such at the time of mobilisation, and 
the sections are then mixed, i. e., they consist of both light and howitzer 
batteries; but in any case, these differences have no influence on the general 
conclusion that the quantity of artillery in an infantry division in not large. 
In every infantry regiment, moreover, there is a section of infantry- 
artillery with two batteries (8 or 6 guns), armed with light 3 in. or 
mountain guns. 
There is a military-political commissary in every regiment superintend- 
ing the political activity in it. To the regimental administration are 
attached: the economic departments, the Regimental-Political Club, a 
machine-gun instructor, instructors in general education, detachments: of 
machine-guns (6 machine-guns) of the intelligence service, of the mounted 
scouts, and finally a regimental school for training the “lower comman- 
ders’ (non-commissioned officers).

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