Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

rally, — those are held in the Bolshevics fist, — but in those of the rest 
of the world. Eighth: “The problem of the youth — one of the chief 
problems”. Why this problem is so important is also explained as follows: 
“take as an example the French organisation of the youth during the war 
with Marocco””. Ninth: “More attention must be drawn to the peasant’s 
question”, and in the fext we read: “this is the angle from which we are 
to view this problem of helping the Peasants’ International to become an 
active organisation”; the anxious communistic congress thinks of everybody. 
And finally the roth Commandment, the goal of everything: “To 
bring in accord the legal work with the illegal”. What does it mean? 
This is the explanation: “As to the illegal work, we have developed it 
well in many countries. Thus we have made good experience in Poland, 
in the Balkan States, in Italy and at present in Japan, and finally a great 
experience was made in China, etc.” What should be and is the character 
of the illegal work is also said: “No doubt in case of a declaration of war, 
immediately before, or even for some time before it, a whole number of 
exceptional laws will fall on our party. This must be foreseen. And 
therefore it is necessary to put a foundation to our illegal organisations, 
especially in the fleet, the army etc.” That no doubt should be left as to 
these words not being only meant in theory, the eminent speaker adds: 
“You will understand why I can’t dwell on this subject, give directions and 
advice. But the problem is of great importance and must be always brought 
forward”. Truly, — it is clear enough without any details. 
All these revelations can be read in the chief paper of the communistic 
party, in the Moscow paper “Pravda” of the 22nd of July of the current 
year. And in the same paper of the 4th August we read: “Manifesto of 
the sixth congress of the Commaunistic International to the workmen and 
peasants of all countries, to the oppressed people in the whole world, to 
all the communistic parties’, a manifesto written in the spirit of Bucharin’s 
instructions, as it can already be seen from the heading of the manifesto. 
And all this at the time when the Bolshevics do their utmost to get into the 
midst of the representatives of the Great Powers, by whom the treaty 
against war, proposed by the Government of U. S. A.. will be signed! 
In spite of the obviousness of this evil, Europes attitude towards it is 
more than tolerant. Negotiations are being entered into with the Bolshevics, 
treaties are being concluded with them; credits are being extended to them, 
and goods are very nearly thrust upon them; they are invited to highly- 
solemn international conferences by which new possibilities are opened up 
for their propaganda. It is true the Bolshevics are universally despised, but 

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