Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

Foreword . . Cee 
The Old Regime and the Revolution in Russia. Joseph Bicker- 
The Soviet Regime. Gregory Landau . 
Land Policy and Land Conditions in Soviet Russia. Cyril 
Laitzeff and Prof. Peter Struve, Fellow of the Russian 
Emp. Academy, Hon. L. L. D., Cambridge 
Economy in Soviet Russia. S. Sherman . . . . Ce 
The Russian Proletariat under Communistic Domination. W. 
Hoeffding . . . ...... £2 ues 114 
Women and Children in Soviet Russia. A. Bunge . .... 132 
The Condition of the Russian Jews before and after the Revo- 
lution. Dr. D. S. Pasmanik 
The Russian Schools under the Yoke of the Bolshevics. E. Kova- 
levsky, Chairman of Committees and Introducing Speaker in 
matters of public Instruction in the 3rd and 4th Duma . . 174 
The Russian Church under the Bolshevics. Prof. N. Arsenjew . 194 
“Proletarian Culture”. Prof. J. Eichenwald ee ee... 203 
The “Red Terror” in Russia (1917—1927). S. Melgunow . 213 
The Armed Forces of Soviet Russia. General A. Winogradsky . 228 
The Soviet Rulers in Relation to the Nations of the World. 
Joseph Bickermann 

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